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Module Handbooks and Exam Regulations

A module handbook is always related to the subject-specific examination regulations of a degree program and describes in detail the modules belonging to the respective degree program, their interdependencies, their learning objectives as well as the type of assessments. The scope of each module is characterized by credit points credited upon successful completion of the module.

The module handbook does not replace the course catalog, which provides up-to-date information on variable course dates (e.g., time and location of the course) for each semester.

The module handbooks for all degree programs are offered as a comprehensive PDF document with an introductory prologue explaining the course of studies; they are also available online in the HISinOne campus system in the menu "Studies offered - View module handbooks" or for students logged in via "My studies - my module handbook".

Overview of the semester in the course catalog

For your planning you might want to get a rough overview of all the courses offered in the current semester. You can access a faculty-internal, user-friendly version of the course catalog: 


Bachelor programs


Bachelor of Science Informatik / Computer Science

Current documents of exam regulations PO 2018 with start of study in or after winter semester 2018/19

You will find this information under the description of the current degree program for the Bachelor of Science Informatik / Computer Science.

Archive of previous PDF versions of the module handbook:

Documents of exam regulations PO 2012 with start of study before winter semester 2018/19

(Discontinued study program! Listed documents have only archive function!)

Please note:

In the course of a reform of the examination regulations from WS 2018/19, the some courses have shifted from the winter to the summer semester and vice versa.
The following courses changed their semester:

Course old semester new semester
Technische Informatik winter semester summer semester
Theoretische Informatik winter semester summer semester
Graphentheorie winter semester summer semester
Rechnernetze summer semester winter semester
Optimierung summer semester winter semester
Softwarepraktikum summer semester winter semester



polyvalent double major Bachelor in Computer Science (Teaching Education or combined with second subject)

Current documents of exam regulations PO 2018 with start of study in or after winter semester 2018/19

You will find this information under the description of the current degree program for the polyvalent Bachelor Informatik (Computer Science).

Archive of previous PDF versions of the module handbook:

Documents of exam regulations PO 2015 with start of study before winter semester 2018/19

(Discontinued study program! Listed documents have only archive function!)

Please note:

In the course of a reform of the examination regulations from WS 2018/19, the some courses have shifted from the winter to the summer semester and vice versa.
The following courses changed their semester:

Course old semester new semester
Technische Informatik winter semester summer semester
Theoretische Informatik winter semester summer semester
Graphentheorie winter semester summer semester
Rechnernetze summer semester winter semester
Optimierung summer semester winter semester
Softwarepraktikum summer semester winter semester



Bachelor of Science Mikrosystemtechnik / Microsystems Engineering

Current documents of exam regulations PO 2018 with start of study in or after winter semester 2018/19

You will find this information under the description of the current degree program for the Bachelor of Science Microsystems Engineering.

Archive of previous PDF versions of the module handbook:


Documents of exam regulations PO 2017 with start of study between winter semester 2017/18 and winter semester 2018/19

(Discontinued study program! Listed documents have only archive function!)

Please note: Due to the introduction of new exam regulations in 2018, some of the courses of the old exam regulations (PO 2005 and 2017) will  not be offered anymore or replaced by new ones. The following modules are affected:


Old module New Module Remarks
MST Technologien und Prozesse Mikrosystemtechnik - Prozesse und Bauelemente
Reinraumlaborkurs I Reinraumlaborkurs
Reinraumlaborkurs II will be eliminated Will be offered in the winter semester 20/21
Elektronik Elektronik – Bauelemente und analoge Schaltungen UND
Elektronik – Digitale Schaltungen
Organische Chemie Chemie für Mikrosystemtechniker
Halbleiter Halbleiterphysik
Technische Mechanik Technische Mechanik – Statik
Werkstofftechnologien Werkstoffwissenschaft
Keramiken, Metalle, Polymere will be eliminated Will be offered in the winter semester 20/21 as script + Q&A sessions
Simulation (PO 2017)
MST Simulation (PO 2005)
Simulationstechniken Now offered in the winter instead of the summer semester!
MST Bauelemente Sensoren und Aktoren
Angewandte Mikrosystemtechnik Seminar Mikrosystemtechnik



Documents of exam regulations PO 2005 with start of study before winter semester 2017/18

(Discontinued study program! Listed documents have only archive function!)

Please note: Due to the introduction of new exam regulations in 2018, some of the courses of the old exam regulations (PO 2005 and 2017) will  not be offered anymore or replaced by new ones. Please check the table above to see which modules are affected.


Bachelor of Science Embedded System Engineering

Current documents of exam regulations PO 2018 with start of study in or after winter semester 2018/19

You will find this information under the description of the current degree program for the Bachelor of Science Embedded Systems Engineering.

Archive of previous PDF versions of the module handbook:

Documents of exam regulations PO 2011 with start of study before winter semester 2018/19

(Discontinued study program! Listed documents have only archive function!)

Please note:

In the course of a reform of the examination regulations from WS 2018/19, the some courses have shifted from the winter to the summer semester and vice versa.
The following courses changed their semester:

Course old semester new semester
Technische Informatik winter semester summer semester
Theoretische Informatik winter semester summer semester
Graphentheorie winter semester summer semester
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
(merged with Informatik program)
winter semester summer semester
Rechnernetze summer semester winter semester
Optimierung summer semester winter semester
Softwarepraktikum summer semester winter semester


The following courses are no longer offered in their previous form, but replaced by new ones:

Old course New course
Mikrosystemtechnik-Bauelemente Sensoren und Aktoren
MST: Technologien und Prozesse Mikrosystemtechnik - Prozesse und Bauelemente
Werkstoffe und Mechanik Materials for electronic systems (with registration for the former exam (PL)!)
Entwurf, Konstruktionsmechanik, Simulation Konstruktionsmethodik 
Integrierte Schaltungen wird nur noch als Online-Vorlesung und Online-Übung gehalten



Bachelor of Science Sustainable Systems Engineering

Current documents of exam regulations PO 2018 with start of study in or after winter semester 2018/19

You will find this information under the description of the current degree program for the Bachelor of Science Sustainable Systems Engineering. 


Master programs


Master of Science Informatik / Computer Science

Current documents of exam regulations PO 2020 with start of study in or after summer semester 2020

You will find this information under the description of the current degree program for the Master of Science Informatik / Computer Science.

Archive of previous PDF versions of the module handbook:


Documents of exam regulations PO 2011 with start of study before summer semester 2020

(Discontinued study program! Listed documents have only archive function!)


Master of Education Informatik (major or Erweiterungsfach)

Current documents of exam regulations PO 2018 with start of study in or after winter semester 2018/19 (as major) resp. winter semester 2021/22 (as third subject, "Erweiterungsfach")

You will find this information under the description of the current degree program for the Master of Education Informatik. (Please note: As this is a specific, German based program, there is no English version of the website ).

Archive of previous PDF versions of the module handbook:

Master of Education major Informatik


Master of Education Erweiterungsfach (supplementary 3rd subject) Informatik


Master of Science Microsystems Engineering

Current documents of exam regulations PO 2021 with start of study in or after winter semester 2021/22

You will find this information under the description of the current degree program for the Master of Science Microsystems Engineering.

Archive of previous PDF versions of the module handbook:


Documents of exam regulations PO 2009 with start of study before winter semester 2021/22

(Completion of studies by September 30, 2024 at the latest)


Master of Science Embedded System Engineering

Current documents of exam regulations PO 2021 with start of study in or after winter semester 2021/22

You will find this information under the description of the current degree program for the Master of Science Embedded Systems Engineering.


Archive of previous PDF versions of the module handbook:


Documents of exam regulations PO 2012 with start of study before winter semester 2021/22

(Completion of studies by September 30, 2024 at the latest)

Master of Science Sustainable System Engineering

Current documents of exam regulations PO 2021 with start of study in or after winter semester 2021/22

You will find this information under the description of the current degree program for the Master of Science Sustainable Systems Engineering.

Archive of previous PDF versions of the module handbook:

Detailed PDF version of the module handbook (as of March 2023)


Documents of exam regulations PO 2016 with start of study before winter semester 2021/22

(Completion of studies by September 30, 2024 at the latest)


State Examination degree program


State Examination for Teachers' Education in Computer Science (can not be started anymore)


The state examination programs for teachers' education have expired and are replaced by the two-level system of a polyvalent two-subject Bachelor followed by a Master of Education.

The previous state examination programs must be completed by July 31, 2024 at the latest (for subject combinations with fine arts and music until July 31, 2025). 

The last examination date according to GymPO is therefore spring 2024 (spring 2025 for subject combinations with fine arts or music). Accordingly, the last opportunity to register is in October 2023 (or October 2024 for subject combinations with Fine Arts or Music).

The examples for study plans are available in German only; please change your language settings if you would like to access them.