Ongoing Professorial Appointments
Full Professorship (W3) for Artificial Intelligence
The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Freiburg invites applications for a
Full Professorship (W3) for Artificial Intelligence
in the Department of Computer Science to be filled as soon as possible.
The professorship must strengthen the research area of Artificial Intelligence at the institute in research and teaching and complement it appropriately. The call for applications covers all areas in the field of artificial intelligence. Here are just a few examples:
- Fundamentals of machine learning
- Data science and data analysis
- Information systems
- Natural language processing
- Planning
- Robotics
- Learning-based security architectures
Research must be directly related to learning methods, either by conducting research on learning methods themselves or by developing the prerequisites for their successful use, for example in the field of data acquisition and processing. A strong scientific background in the field of computer science and internationally outstanding work are prerequisites for the professorship. Due to the broad call for applications, you are expected to be able to concisely demonstrate the potential of your specific research focus in the application process.
The professorship contributes to the courses offered in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Computer Science as well as to administrative self-administration. Collaboration with other professorships in the faculty and participation in cooperative research projects are expected. Appropriate cooperation with the local research institutes as well as with other faculties is desired.
Prerequisites for the employment of Professors are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record. Substantial achievements and experience in academic research and teaching, at the level of a Habilitation according to the German academic system, are expected.
The professorship is attractively endowed, but is also explicitly suitable for internationally outstanding individuals who do not yet hold a permanent professorship.
We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.
The university supports individuals appointed to professorial positions through a Dual Career Service and a Family Service.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
- Curriculum vitae, certificates of degrees and academic qualifications
- Complete list of papers and invited lectures, specifying the 5 most important publications; an existing Google Scholar Profile should be free from errors
- Research profile and research statement about the planned scientific work
- Record of classes taught and a teaching statement
- Record of projects acquired; the funding amount attributed to the own group/ own person should be clearly indicated
Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form (, by November 12, 2024 at the latest.
Please send your application in written or electronic form (via e-mail in a single PDF-file) to the following address: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, e-mail: You will receive an electronic acknowledgement of receipt within one week.
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Procedure Governing Appointments to Professorships at the University of Freiburg, available under
Contact Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Brox |
Contact University Administration |
Tel. 0761 203-4220 |
Date(s) of lectures open to university members |
Date of final session of appointment committee |
Date recommendation of appointment committee was approved in the Senate
Date appointment was offered |
Full Professorship (W3) for Sustainability Assessment of Technical Systems
The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Freiburg invites applications for a
Full Professorship (W3) for Sustainability Assessment of Technical Systems
in the Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering to be filled as soon as possible.
This professorship is also particularly suitable for highly qualified researchers in early stages of independent research.
We are searching for an internationally recognized individual with an academic background in engineering or a related field, demonstrating outstanding competence in research and teaching in one or more of the following areas: sustainability assessment of technical systems, material cycles and circular economy strategies, systems modeling, material flow analysis and life cycle assessment, eco-efficiency, or assessment of value retention strategies (reuse, repair, remanufacturing, recycling). Experience in material flow and life cycle analysis, as well as interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary research, is expected. Proficiency in developing principles, criteria, methods, and indicators for the sustainability assessment of technical systems completes the profile for this professorship. Active contributions to strengthening the new research focus „Circularity Engineering” at INATECH and the excellence cluster livMatS are desirable. In teaching, the selected person is expected to comprehensively cover the fields of sustainability concepts and sustainability assessment, offering advanced new courses in Bachelor's and Master's programs, particularly in “Sustainable Systems Engineering”.
Prerequisites for the employment of Professors are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record. Substantial achievements and experience in academic research and teaching, at the level of a Habilitation according to the German academic system, are expected.
We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
- Curriculum vitae
- Certificates of degrees and academic qualifications
- Complete list of papers and invited lectures, specifying the 5 most important publications; an existing Google Scholar Profile should be free from errors
- Short research profile and short research statement about the planned scientific work
- Record of classes taught and teaching experience and teaching concept at INATECH
- Record of projects acquired; the funding amount attributed to the own group/own person should be clearly indicated
Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form ( by June 11, 2024 at the latest.
Please send your application in electronic form (via e-mail in a single PDF-file) to the following address: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, e-mail: You will receive an electronic acknowledgement of receipt within one week.
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Procedure Governing Appointments to Professorships at the University of Freiburg, available under
Contact Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Weidlich |
Contact University Administration |
Tel. 0761 203-4220 |
Date(s) of lectures open to university members |
24.07. / 25.07. / 05.08.2024 |
Date of final session of appointment committee |
Date recommendation of appointment committee was approved in the Senate 18.12.2024 |
Date appointment was offered |
Full Professorship (W3) for Bioelectronic Interfaces
in the Department of Microsystems Engineering to be filled at the earliest possible date.
This professorship is suitable for highly qualified early career researchers.
The successful candidate is expected to establish a research and teaching program in the area of biocompatibility, robustness and longevity of bioelectronic interfaces for the coupling of technical devices to living organisms. The research may focus on applications in the field of neurotechnology. The willingness to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation with other departments of the Faculties of Engineering, Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy as well as the Faculty of Medicine and especially with the center of Intelligent Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology (IMBIT) and the Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks - BrainTools is expected. We also expect participation in the acquisition of third-party funded coordinated research projects, including Collaborative Research Centers, Research Training Groups and Clusters of Excellence. International cooperation with leading research groups in neuroscience and neurotechnology is welcome.
Prerequisites for the employment of Professors are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record. Substantial achievements and experience in academic research and teaching, at the level of a Habilitation according to the German academic system, are expected (§47 Landeshochschulgesetz (LHG) Baden-Württemberg).
We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
- Curriculum vitae, certificates of degrees and academic qualifications
- Complete list of papers and invited lectures, specifying the 5 most important publications; an existing Google Scholar Profile should be free from errors
- Research profile and research statement about the planned scientific work
- Record of classes taught and a teaching statement
- Record of projects acquired; the funding amount attributed to the own group/ own person should be clearly indicated
Shortlisted applicants will have to present a teaching skills portfolio prior to their interview (
Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form (, by 13.05.2024 at the latest.
Please send your application in electronic form (via e-mail in a single PDF-file) to the following address: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, e-mail: You will receive an electronic acknowledgement of receipt within one week.
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Procedure Governing Appointments to Professorships at the University of Freiburg, available under
Contact Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Pastewka |
Contact University Administration |
Tel. 0761 203-4220 |
Date(s) of lectures open to university members |
18.07. / 22.07. / 29.07.2024 |
Date of final session of appointment committee |
Date recommendation of appointment committee was approved in the Senate 27.11.2024 |
Date appointment was offered: 28.11.2024 |
Tenure-Track Professorship for Single Molecule Sensing
Consider making the switch to the University of Freiburg: lt is one of the most renowned and strongest research universities in Germany, with a history spanning more than 500 years. You'll engage in topnotch research and teaching with a unique spectrum of disciplines, perspectives, and people - right in the heart of one of Germany's most beautiful cities.
The University of Freiburg's human resources policy is oriented toward the principles of equal opportunity and diversity. The university is committed to the goal of creating a family-friendly university.
The University of Freiburg invites applications for the
Tenure-Track Professorship for Single Molecule Sensing
funded by the Carl-Zeiss Foundation at the Faculty of Engineering in the Department of Microsystems Engineering to be filled at the earliest possible date.
This is a grade W1-professorship to which performance payments can be offered.
This professorship is suitable for highly qualified early career researchers at an early stage in their careers. Conditions governing the appointment in accordance with section 51 (3) LHG Baden-Württemberg apply.
The successful candidate represents the field of single molecule sensors in research and teaching. Current questions include single-molecule sequencing of proteins and the detection of epigenetic modifications, for example by nanopore technology, enzymatic degradation or reverse translation. Novel approaches in the field are to be pursued and multidisciplinary cooperations are to be established, both with the professorships of the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), the Department of Computer Science, the faculties of physics and chemistry, the Max-Planck-lnstitute for Epigenetics, and the Hahn-Schickard-lnstitute for Microanalysis Systems. A translation into personalized medicine is aimed at.
Prerequisites for the employment are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation in the field and an excellent publication record.
This position has a fixed term of four years. After a successful interim evaluation, it will be extended by two years. Furthermore, the tenure procedure towards Full Professorship (W3) will be initiated after successful interim evaluation.
The tenure procedures are regulated in the Statutes and Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-Track Professorships and agreed upon with the Ministry of Science ( As a prerequisite for granting tenure and the subsequent conversion into a full professorship (W3) (1) the requirements defined in the Statutes and Quality Assurance Concept have to be met and (2) the subject specific criteria determined by the Technical Faculty have to be met.
We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
- Curriculum vitae
- Certificates of degrees and academic qualifications
- Complete Iist of papers and invited lectures, specifying the 5 most important publications; an existing Google Scholar Profile should be free from errors
- Short research profile and short research statement about the planned scientific work
- Record of classes taught and teaching experience
- Record of projects acquired; the funding amount attributed to the own group/own person should beclearly indicated
Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form ( by 15.04.2024 at the latest.
Please send your application in electronic form (via e-mail in a single PDF-file) to the following address: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, e-mail: You will receive an electronic acknowledgement of receipt within one week.
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Procedure Governing Appointments to Professorships at the University of Freiburg, available under
Contact Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Pastewka |
Contact University Administration |
Tel. 0761 203-4220 |
Date(s) of lectures open to university members |
17.06. / 20.06. / 21.06.2024 |
Date of final session of appointment committee |
23.09.2024 |
Date recommendation of appointment committee was approved in the Senate 29.01.2025 |
Date appointment was offered |
Tenure Track Professorship for Bioinformatics – AI for Oncology-Research
The University of Freiburg invites applications for the
Tenure Track Professorship for Bioinformatics – AI for Oncology-Research
at the Faculty of Engineering in the Department of Computer Science to be filled by as soon as possible.
This is a grade W1-professorship to which performance payments can be offered.
This professorship is suitable for highly qualified early career researchers at an early stage in their careers. Conditions governing the appointment in accordance with section 51 (3) LHG apply.
The task of the professorship is to develop and use machine learning and bioinformatics methods to enable novel, data-driven diagnosis, prognosis and therapy options in oncology and hematology. Translating these methods into clinical practice as soon as possible is the goal and will be encouraged.
The following topics are of particular interest:
- Application of modern machine learning approaches (e.g. Deep Learning) to relevant problems in oncology, including diagnosis and prognosis of relevant parameters, including uncertainty quantification of predictions.
- Development of supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques, as well as reinforcement learning, for therapy optimization.
- Development of unsupervised or self-supervised learning techniques using different modalities.
- Interpretability, as well as guarantee of security and privacy in learning systems
- Development of innovative, real-time and data-driven interfaces for clinical practice.
The professorship needs to represent the field of artificial intelligence in oncology in research and teaching and closely collaborate with existing professorships at the Department of Computer Science, with existing professorships on Bioinformatics and with the oncology departments of the University Hospital Freiburg. Furthermore, it is desired that the professorship contributes to the ELLIS Unit Freiburg, the Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg, projects of the Collaborative Research Institute Intelligent Oncology (CRIION) and the Cluster of Excellence CIBSS as well as the Galaxy group (> 50.000 users).
Prerequisites for the employment are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record.
This position is a fixed term of four years. After a successful interim evaluation, it will be extended by two years. Furthermore, the tenure procedure towards Full Professorship W3 will be initiated after successful interim evaluation.
The tenure procedures are regulated in the Statutes and Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-Track Professorships and agreed upon with the Ministry of Science ( As a prerequisite for granting tenure and the subsequent conversion into a full professorship (W3) (1) the requirements defined in the Statutes and Quality Assurance Concept have to be met and (2) the subject specific criteria determined by the Faculty of Engineering have to be met.
We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
- Curriculum vitae
- Certificates of degrees and academic qualifications
- Complete list of papers and invited lectures, specifying the 5 most important publications; an existing Google Scholar Profile should be free from errors
- Short research profile and short research statement about the planned scientific work
- Record of classes taught and teaching experience
- Record of projects acquired; the funding amount attributed to the own group/own person should be clearly indicated
Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form (, by 18.03.2024 at the latest.
Please send your application in written or electronic form (via e-mail in a single PDF-file) to the following address: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, e-mail: You will receive an electronic acknowledgement of receipt within one week.
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Procedure Governing Appointments to Professorships at the University of Freiburg, available under
General and legal remarks:
Contact Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Brox |
Contact University Administration |
Tel. 0761 203-4220 |
Date(s) of lectures open to university members |
02.07. / 09.07.2024 |
Date of final session of appointment committee |
Date recommendation of appointment committee was approved in the Senate
Date appointment was offered |
Full Professorship (W3) for Embedded Systems
Consider making the switch to the University of Freiburg: It is one of the most renowned and strongest research universities in Germany, with a history spanning more than 500 years. You’ll engage in top-notch research and teaching with a unique spectrum of disciplines, perspectives, and people – right in the heart of one of Germany’s most beautiful cities.
The University of Freiburg’s human resources policy is oriented toward the principles of equal opportunity and diversity. The university is committed to the goal of creating a family-friendly university.
The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Freiburg invites applications for a
Full Professorship (W3) for Embedded Systems
in the Department of Computer Science to be filled as soon as possible.
This professorship is also particularly suitable for highly qualified early career researchers.
The successful candidate shall cover the field of Embedded Systems in research and teaching and fulfil a bridging function between the Department of Computer Science, the Department of Microsystems Engineering and the Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering.
Competence and experience in the area of hardware and software design for embedded systems is expected. Expertise in one or more of the following areas is desired: design automation/co-design, communication, real-time applications, smart data analysis, safety/security. In addition, experience in a specific application field of embedded systems is desired, e.g.:
- industrial automation
- autonomous systems
- ubiquitous computing
- internet of things
- cyber-physical systems
Besides the conception of embedded systems, implementation proofs and validation activities should be performed.
The ability and willingness to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation with existing professorships of the Faculty of Engineering is expected. The professorship will play a major role in the curriculum in Embedded Systems Engineering.
Prerequisites for the employment of Professors are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record. Substantial achievements and experience in academic research and teaching, at the level of a Habilitation according to the German academic system, are expected.
We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
- Curriculum vitae, certificates of degrees and academic qualifications
- Complete list of papers and invited lectures, specifying the 5 most important publications; an existing Google Scholar Profile should be free from mistakes
- Research profile and research statement about the planned scientific work
- Record of lectures given so far and teaching statement
- Record of projects acquired; the respective funding amount attributed to the own group/ own person should be apparent, respectively
Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form ( , by 14.01.2024 at the latest.
Please send your application in written or electronic form (via e-mail in a single PDF-file) to the following address: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, e-mail: You will receive an electronic acknowledgement of receipt within one week.
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Procedure Governing Appointments to Professorships at the University of Freiburg, available under
Contact Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Brox |
Contact University Administration |
Tel. 0761 203-4220 |
Date(s) of lectures open to university members |
05.03. / 12.03. / 13.03.2024 |
Date of final session of appointment committee |
18.06.2024 |
Date recommendation of appointment committee was approved in the Senate 23.07.2024 |
Date appointment was offered 25.07.2024
Acceptance of appointment: 30.01.2025 Prof. Dr. Oliver Amftl
Juniorprofessorship for Liquid Biopsy: novel methods for sample preparation
Consider making the switch to the University of Freiburg: It is one of the most renowned and strongest research universities in Germany, with a history spanning more than 500 years. You’ll engage in top-notch research and teaching with a unique spectrum of disciplines, perspectives, and people – right in the heart of one of Germany’s most beautiful cities.
The University of Freiburg’s human resources policy is oriented toward the principles of equal opportunity and diversity. The university is committed to the goal of creating a family-friendly university.
The University of Freiburg invites applications for the
Juniorprofessorship for Liquid Biopsy: novel methods for sample preparation
at the Faculty of Engineering in the Department of Microsystems Engineering to be filled by as soon as possible.
This is a grade W1-professorship to which performance payments can be offered. The professorship is suitable for highly qualified early career researchers at an early stage in their careers. Conditions governing the appointment in accordance with section 51 (2) LHG Baden-Württemberg apply.
The aim of the professorship is to research new methods for the robust, reproducible automated and standardizable preparation of biomarkers from body fluids (liquid biopsy). The main focus is the ability to
- automate and standardize the extraction and purification of extracellular vesicles for low-throughput point of care and medium-throughput laboratory use, and to integrate quality controls; and
- explore methods for highly integrated and automated preparation of different analyte classes (tumor cells, cell-free DNA, extracellular vesicles, proteins) from one sample, as well as the integration of quality controls.
The professorship will represent the field of liquid biopsy especially with regard to new methods of sample preparation in research and teaching, strengthen the “Collaborative Research Institute Intelligent Oncology (CRIION)” and form an important bridge between the research areas of laboratory automation, medicine and informatics. Collaboration with other research groups at the Department of Microsystems Engineering as well as the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Engineering and with the oncology departments of the Medical Center – University of Freiburg, with the Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg and the projects of the Collaborative Research Institute Intelligent Oncology as well as non-university research institutions (e.g. Hahn-Schickard) is desired and the transfer of research in the field of liquid biopsy into clinical practice is to be promoted.
Prerequisites for the employment are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record. The position is fixed term of four years. After a successful interim evaluation, it will be extended by two years.
We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
- Curriculum vitae
- Certificates of degrees and academic qualifications
- Complete list of papers and invited lectures, specifying the 5 most important publications; an existing Google Scholar Profile should be free from errors
- Short research profile and short research statement about the planned scientific work
- Record of classes taught and teaching experience
- Record of projects acquired; the funding amount attributed to the own group/own person should be clearly indicated
Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form ( , by 17.12.2023 at the latest.
Please send your application in written or electronic form (via e-mail in a single PDF-file) to the following address: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, e-mail: You will receive an electronic acknowledgement of receipt within one week.
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Procedure Governing Appointments to Professorships at the University of Freiburg, available under
Contact Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Pastewka |
Contact University Administration |
Tel. 0761 203-4220 |
Date(s) of lectures open to university members |
26.02.2024 |
Date of final session of appointment committee |
16.05.2024 |
Date recommendation of appointment committee was approved in the Senate 23.07.2024 |
Date appointment was offered 21.08.2024
None of the applicants listed on the appointment proposal has accepted the appointment.
Full Professorship (W3) for Production Monitoring
Consider making the switch to the University of Freiburg: It is one of the most renowned and strongest research universities in Germany, with a history spanning more than 500 years. You’ll engage in top-notch research and teaching with a unique spectrum of disciplines, perspectives, and people – right in the heart of one of Germany’s most beautiful cities.
The University of Freiburg’s human resources policy is oriented toward the principles of equal opportunity and diversity. The university is committed to the goal of creating a family-friendly university.
The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Freiburg invites applications for a
Full Professorship (W3) for Production Monitoring
in the Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH)
to be filled by January 1, 2024 or as soon as possible.
The professorship includes a management position at the Fraunhofer-Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM.
We are seeking an internationally recognized candidate with outstanding academic qualifications in the following areas: production monitoring with optical measurement techniques for 2D and 3D imaging such as digital holography, fluorescence methods, laser scanning, infrared reflection spectroscopy or laser-induced plasma spectroscopy. Extensive expertise in high-speed image acquisition, data processing at speeds compatible with production cycles, and online-comparison of measurement with design data is required. Furthermore, knowledge about integration of robust systems in production chains – including hardware, software and electronics – is needed. The candidate should possess knowledge of German research and funding opportunities and have extensive experience in the acquisition of publicly-funded research projects and industry-granted projects. Experience in steering large and interdisciplinary working teams is required.
In teaching, the professorship should strongly represent the topic of sustainable production in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs of the Faculty of Engineering, especially Sustainable Systems Engineering.
Prerequisites for the employment of Professors are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record. Substantial achievements and experience in academic research and teaching, at the level of a Habilitation according to the German academic system, are expected.
We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
- Curriculum vitae, certificates of degrees and academic qualifications
- Complete list of papers and invited lectures, specifying the 5 most important publications; an existing Google Scholar Profile should be free from errors
- Research profile and research statement about the planned scientific work
- Record of classes taught and a teaching statement
- Record of projects acquired; the funding amount attributed to the own group/ own person should be clearly indicated
Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form ( citing the reference number XXX, by 10.08.2023 at the latest.
Please send your application to the following address in written or electronic form: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, e-mail: (via e-mail in a single PDF-file). You will receive an electronic acknowledgement of receipt within one week.
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Code for Practice for professorial appointments, available under
Contact Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Balle |
Contact University Administration |
Tel. 0761 203-4220 |
Date(s) of lectures open to university members |
16.10.2023 |
Date of final session of appointment committee |
06.12.2023 |
Date recommendation of appointment committee was approved in the Senate 21.02.2024 |
Date appointment was offered 22.02.2024 Acceptance of appointment: 01.07.2024 Dr. Daniel Carl |
Tenure-Track Professorship for Secure Intelligent Systems
Consider making the switch to the University of Freiburg: It is one of the most renowned and strongest research universities in Germany, with a history spanning more than 500 years. You'll engage in topnotch research and teaching with a unique spectrum of disciplines, perspectives, and people - right in the heart of one of Germany's most beautiful cities.
The University of Freiburg's human resources policy is oriented toward the principles of equal opportunity and diversity. The university is committed to the goal of creating a family-friendly university.
The University of Freiburg invites applications for the
Tenure-Track Professorship for Secure Intelligent Systems
at the Faculty of Engineering in the Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering to be filled as soon as possible.
This is a grade W1-professorship to which performance payments can be offered. This professorship is suitable for highly qualified early career researchers at an early stage in their careers. Conditions governing the appointment in accordance with section 51 (3) LHG apply.
We particularly welcome candidates with a research focus in one of the following areas:
- Network security
- Robustness and security in the context of machine learning
- Security in embedded systems
The professorship will be embedded into a research environment with particular strength in machine learning, embedded systems, and sustainable systems engineering. The candidate is expected to work with at least one of these areas. The university appreciates additional interest in exploiting the opportunity to collaborate with the local Fraunhofer Institutes.
With regard to teaching, the professorship is supposed to contribute to the Bachelor and Master programs of the Faculty of Engineering.
Prerequisites for the employment are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record.
This position is a fixed term of four years. After a successful interim evaluation, it will be extended by two years. Furthermore, the tenure procedure towards Full Professorship W3 will be initiated after successful interim evaluation.
The tenure procedures are regulated in the Statutes and Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-Track Professorships and agreed upon with the Ministry of Science ( As a prerequisite for granting tenure and the subsequent conversion into a full professorship (W3) (1) the requirements defined in the Statutes and Quality Assurance Concept have to be met and (2) the subject specific criteria determined by the Faculty of Engineering have to be met.
We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
- Curriculum vitae, certificates of degrees and academic qualifications
- Complete list of papers and invited lectures, specifying the 5 most important publications; an existing Google Scholar Profile should be free from errors
- Research profile and research statement about the planned scientific work
- Record of classes taught, teaching evaluations, and a teaching statement
- Record of projects acquired; the funding amount attributed to the own group/ own person should be clearly indicated
Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form ( by May15, 2023 at the latest.
Please send your application in written or electronic form (via e-mail in a single PDF-file) to the following address: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, e-mail: You will receive an electronic acknowledgement of receipt within one week.
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Procedure Governing Appointments to Professorships at the University of Freiburg, available under
General and legal remarks:
Contact Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Kuhn |
Contact University Administration |
Tel. 0761 203-4220 |
Date(s) of lectures open to university members |
14.12.2023 / 15.12.2023 |
Date of final session of appointment committee |
10.06.2024 |
Date recommendation of appointment committee was approved in the Senate
Date appointment was offered |