Forms & Downloads
Forms According to the Doctoral Regulations 2016 (new)
Upon Application for Acceptance
- Doctoral Supervision Agreement
- Application for Acceptance as a Doctoral Candidate (in HISinOne)
- Declaration of Previous Convictions
Upon Writing a Cumulative Thesis
Upon Submission of the Thesis
- Application to Open the Doctoral Examination Procedure
- Affimation in Lieu of Oath
- Instruction on the Significance and the Criminal Consequences of an Affirmation in Lieu of Oath
A Police record does not need to be presented any more.
Upon Publication of the Thesis
- Publication acknowledgment
- Title page of the thesis (sample)
- Confirmation Receipt of the Published Thesis (Laufzettel)
Forms According to the Doctoral Regulations 2000 (old)
Upon Submission of the Thesis
Upon Publication of the Thesis