Examinations: Dates and Deadlines
Dates and Deadlines (overview) Winter Semester 2024/2025
Examination period winter semester 2024/2025
Beginning of lecture period | 14.10.2024 |
End of lecture period | 08.02.2025 |
Examination period | 17.02.-31.03.2025 |
Registration period for exams (PL) | 02.12.2024 - 12.01.2025 |
Registration period for course work (SL) | 16.10.2024 - 12.01.2025 (start of lecture period until end of examination registration period) |
Registration period for bachelor and master projects (Except for the SSE study project, which has to be registered during the regular exam registration period) | 01.10.2024-31.03.2025 (entire semester) |
De-registration period for exams (in the 1st attempt) | From 13.01.2025 until 7 days prior to the respective exam (check out the exact date AND time of the exam!) |
(Slides and videos from the introduction session) Exam Relevant Information for NEW STUDENTS
- Introduction to exam regulations M.Sc. Microsystems Engineering, Mikrosystemtechnik and Sustainable Systems Engineering from summer semester 2023, 28 Nov 2022 (mp4)
- Introduction to exam regulations M.Sc. Embedded Systems engineering and Computer Science from summer semester 2023, 28 Nov 2022 (mp4)
- HERE you can find all exam-relevant information about the study programme M.Sc. Computer Science.
- HERE you can find all exam-relevant information about the study programmes:
M.Sc. Microsystems Engineering.
M.Sc. Embedded Systems Engineering.
M.Sc. Sustainable Systems Engineering.
For Bachelor programmes please refer to the German website.
Examination period Winter Semester 2024/2025
- 17 February to 31 March 2025
Registration period for exams Winter Semester 2024/2025
- 2 December 2024 to 12 January 2025 (23:59:59)
- All exams and also course-works that you take during your studies at the Faculty of Engineering must be registered via the registration portal. Please note that exams and course-works are not only examined by means of written examinations or oral exams, but also papers, assignments, etc.
- Please register via the Campus-System HISinOne
- If registration via HISinOne does not work, please register for the exam(s) using the registration form: https://www.tf.uni-freiburg.de/en/studies-and-teaching/a-to-z-study-faq/forms-examinations-offics Send the form by e-mail to the Examination Office. Alternatively, please send us an e-mail and tell us the exam(s) you would like us to register you for.
- IMPORTANT! For all forms/e-mails received by us by 12 January 2025, 23:59pm, the deadline will be met and we will register you manually for the exam(s).
- Registration for examinations in the modules "Seminar" and/or "Lab": If a Seminar and/or Lab is included in your study plan and is completed with an examination (PL), this examination must also be registered during the registration period.
Registration period for pass/fail achievements (course work/Studienleistung) Winter Semester 2024/2025
- 16 October 2024 - 12 January 2025 (beginning lecture period to end of exam registration period)
- The registration for pass-or-fail achievments that complete exercises is open throughout the entire lecture period.
- Please register via the Campus System HISinOne
Registration period for exam in projects in Master and Bachelor degrees Winter Semester 2024/2025
- 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025 (entire semester)
First of all, some information about registration periods and deadlines: Projects can be registered and started throughout the entire semester; the general exam registration deadlines do not apply. Under certain circumstances, a project can even be completed across semesters; in this case, the official registration should be done for the semester in which you complete the project and the supervisor will grade it!
Registration by mail to Ms. Moses at the Dean's Office:
Please mail the information listed under your study program below to Ms. Moses in the Dean's Office (moses@tf.uni-freiburg.de).
Ms. Moses will then create the project element in HISinOne under the chosen project name as an individual "course" in the corresponding semester and add you as a participant.
Afterwards, the examination office will be informed and the supervisor will be added as "examiner" to the corresponding assessment(s) (graded assessment (PL) or pass/fail assessment (SL)). In addition, you will be registered by the examination office for the achievement (SL and/ or PL, depending on what your examination regulations require).
De-Registration from exams ( first exam attempt) Winter Semester 2024/2025
- You can independently de-register for any exam in the first attempt up to seven days before the exam date via HISinOne.
- Please note that you have to set the exact date and time of the de-registration (e.g.: exam xyz takes place on 13.02.2025, 10.00 a.m. = cancellation possible until 06.02.2025, 10.00 a.m.)
- Cancellations/Deregistrations (in the first attempt) are possible from 13 January 2025, 00.00.
Examination schedule for exams in the mandatory area of the curriculum Winter Semester 2024/2025 - Bachelor programmes (updated: 05.12.2024)
- The examination dates for examinations in your compulsory area are planned by the Examinations Office and are usually published here one month after the start of the semester (lecture period).
- The examination schedule B.Sc. (mandatory modules) can be found HERE!
- The examination schedule is for your orientation. The examination schedule on the website is usually not updated. The final binding dates and rooms are published exclusively in HISinOne.
Examination schedule for exams in the mandatory area of the curriculum Winter Semester 2024/2025- Master programmes (updated: 05.12.2024)
- The examination dates for examinations in your compulsory area are planned by the Examinations Office and are usually published here one month after the start of the semester (lecture period).
- The examination schedule M.Sc. (mandatory modules) can be found HERE!
- The examination schedule is for your orientation. The examination schedule on the website is usually not updated. The final binding dates and rooms are published exclusively in HISinOne.
Examination schedule for exams in the elective modules Winter Semester 2024/2025 (Bachelor and Master programmes)
- The examination dates for the elective courses are published exclusively in the Campus Management System HISinOne.
- Please note that not all examination dates for the elective courses have yet been notified to the Examination Office.
- If you are taking the exam for the first time, we recommend that you register for the exam even without a fixed exam date and cancel your registration in case of a possible date overlap.
General information/FAQs
- We have summarized all questions regarding examination law, e.g. repeat regulations for examinations, withdrawal from examinations due to illness, recognition of achievements, etc. under our FAQs.
- You can find them here!
Room overview exams
- You can find an overview here!
Examination period summer semester 2025
- currently being planned