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Booking procedure for (pro)seminars in Computer Science

The registration procedure for proseminars and seminars in Computer Science (which are also part of the Bachelor program in Embedded Systems Engineering) is a procedure in which students initially submit booking requests only. (Priorities are assigned to indicate which seminars would be preferred and in which one you would only like to participate if you do not get into your preferred ones.) A system-controlled distribution process from HISinOne tells you in which (pro)seminar you got a seat. The individual steps of the process are explained in more detail below. 

Please note: There is a special booking period for (pro)seminars! Please find the respective information on the website Calendar and Dates - Booking deadlines and seat allocation for Bachelor and Master courses 

During the first 8 days of the lecture period, the “introductory meetings” or first lessons for all of the seminars will take place. Their times and places (in particular the possibility for online participation) are provided on the lecturers’ websites (containing further organizational details); the links to these websites are given in HISinOne for the respective seminar. Please note: Anyone not taking part in the initial meeting of a seminar can be rejected as seminar participants by the lecturers! Check out all seminars in which you are interested and only then submit your booking requests.

The registration process will be done with priority booking. You first express only the wish to participate in the respecitve seminar(s); and with the priority (where "Preferred" is the highest) you give the information, which one you would like to do best. The seminar assigned "1. alternative" would be nearly as interesting for you. And the one, which received "2. alternative", would still be ok...

screenshot booking of seminars

By the way: It is not possible to assign each seminar the priority "Preferred"! And if you register for one seminar only, you might end up without any seat in a seminar at all… Also: It does not matter when exactly you register (well, as long as it is during the registration period). Early registration does not increase your chances for a certain seminar.

On the two days after the registration period, lecturers can check the booking requests and make manual adjustments (like rejecting students that have not been to the introductory meeting); then, the seats will be automatically assigned through the HISinOne system, and the administration as well as the lecturers will check if it was done correctly. The following day (usually Thursday), the allocation will be released for the students, and you can see which seminar you got in. For one more day, you can de-register, if you changed your mind about the seminar you got.
Please mind: If you stay registered and do not participate, you will fail the seminar!


A detailed explanation of the registration procedure is offered in the video clip Booking of seminars in Computer Science (English). (Note: Details such as deadlines mentioned may vary slightly as this video is from WS 2020/21 and the process has been slightly refined since then.)

(As of June 2022)