Recognition of achievements
I have already taken examinations at another university
Please note:
Coursework and examinations that have been completed in the degree program (Bachelor of Science) that is the entry requirement for the Master program can not be recognized!
Otherwise, periods of study, coursework and examinations, which were performed at a foreign university may be recognized for a course if they are comparable.
- It is not possible to recognize achievements from a study course were you achieved 180 ECTS.
- Applying for an acknowledgement of modules from a bachelor's program with more than 180 ECTS is only possible if the whole earlier course of study is not the requirement for the current course of study.
Deadline for applying:
The application must be submitted at the latest before ending your second semester.
Apply for recognition:
Students who are applying for an acknowledgement of modules from a bachelor's program with more than 180 ECTS have to submit the application form, transcript of records (CERTIFIED COPIES) and the module descriptions BY POST to the Examination Office.
You can also come to the Examinations Office with the originals of your documents and we will make copies.
It is NOT necessary to send the results by post if you have completed them in another subject/programme at the University of Freiburg. In this case, it is sufficient to fill in the table and send an e-mail; in this case, the achievements can be viewed in HISinOne..
After receipt, the processing time is up to eight weeks.
You will be informed about the processing status.
The Examination Office forwards the documents to the Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners will review the documents and inform the student about the decision for the recognition.
Please note that incomplete documents will not be processed and sent back to you!
- The grades are to taken over if the grading systems coincide, and in accordance with the examination regulations, will be included in the calculation of the module grades and the final grade. If the grading systems do not match, it shall be fixed by the chairman /chairwoman of the Board of Examiners on the basis of recognized valuation levels.
I'm back from my stay abroad (exchange program)
Periods of study as well as academic and examination achievements completed at a foreign university can be recognised for a degree programme if they are equivalent.
In general, it is advisable to record the achievements to be made on a Learning Agreement beforehand.
The final Learning Agreement now exists exclusively in digital form.
Since the Examination Office and the Examination Committee do not (yet) have access to the Mobility online portal, please have the Erasmus representative of your subject sign it after your return.
You should submit the original (by post) to the Examinations Office immediately.
If you have received the transcript of records from the university abroad in digital form, please also submit this in digital form so that verification codes and digital signatures can be checked.
If the transcript of records was sent to you by post, please submit the original. >>> You can also come to the Examinations Office with the originals of your documents and we will make copies.
- The grades are to taken over if the grading systems coincide, and in accordance with the examination regulations, will be included in the calculation of the module grades and the final grade. If the grading systems do not match, it shall be fixed by the chairman /chairwoman of the Board of Examiners on the basis of recognized valuation levels.