Examinations: How do I register for an exam?
- You register independently via the Campus Management System HISinOne.
- You can find instructions at https://wiki.uni-freiburg.de/campusmanagement/doku.php?id=hisinone:studieren:start.
- If registration via HISinOne does not work, please register for the exam(s) using the registration form: http://www.tf.uni-freiburg.de/de/studium-lehre/a-bis-z-studium/formulare-prufungsamt
- Send the form to the Examinations Office by e-mail. Alternatively, please write an e-mail to the Examinations Office (pruefungsamt@tf.uni-freiburg.de) and tell us which examination(s) you would like us to register you for.
- IMPORTANT! For all forms/emails received by us by the last day of the exam registration period, 23:59, the deadline will be met and we will register you manually for the exam(s).