PhD Sets of Regulations
On this page you can find the current valid PhD Sets of Regulations of the Faculty of Engineering from 30.09.2016, and the older version from 10.05.2000. You can also see the framework doctoral regulations of the Albert-Ludwigs-University. Please nopte that our regulations are written in German.
Important note on the application of the doctoral regulations:
Since October 1, 2016, a new sets of regulation for the Faculty of Engineering is legally effective (PromO 2016).
For accepted doctoral candidates who have applied for acceptance as a doctoral candidate before 01 Oct. 2016, the PromO 2000 applies, unless the doctoral candidate explicitly requests the application of the PromO 2016.
For accepted doctoral candidates who have applied for acceptance as a doctoral candidate after 01 Oct. 2016, the PromO 2016 applies.
For doctoral candidates who have not yet applied for acceptance as a doctoral candidate, the PromO 2016 applies.