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Frequently asked questions

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I had fever, how it works with re-entry to the university?

Your house doctor should decide about a corona test and possible additional therapy. You could reenter the University buildings after your sickness symptoms have disappeared for 48 hours.
(July 13, 2020 / Dr. med. Veronika Vetter, Betriebsärztlicher Dienst)

Do I have to wear a mouth-nose covering on my workplace?

This can be dispensed with at workplaces, if a distance of 1.5 m in all directions is observed. This is also shown in the current hygiene plan. This will be corrected shortly in the step-by-step plan (which was sent on 10/22/20). (October 28, 2020 / Petra Markmeyer-Pieles, Stabstelle Sicherheit)